Are you up to date on how the Coronavirus impacted hospital readmissions and the recent Readmission Penalty updates?

Learn how to lower hospital rates & become a preferred post acute provider in times of a pandemic and beyond.

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The not-for-profit National Readmission Prevention Collaborative will host a free online workshop to update healthcare executives, post acute providers including nursing home administrators, home health Directors, assisted living and non-medical home care owners and teams participate to stay current on critical issues impacting hospitals during the Coronavirus pandemic and how to prepare for post pandemic regulations as well. 

It is also recommended that case managers, social workers and utilization review directors on critical updates and legislative changes to the hospital and nursing home readmission penalty programs participate.

 Key topics covered include:

- How the Coronavirus pandemic has changed the hospitals needs for  post acute providers

- Which post acute providers hospitals are partnering with almost exclusively and why

- What will post pandemic regulations relating to discharge planning and transitional care look like

- The latest disease specific conditions added to the readmission penalty program

- New information on leading causes of avoidable readmissions

- New low cost resources being used to to reduce readmissions without disrupting operational flow

- Best practice case studies and resources to prevent avoidable admissions


Hosted by Dr. Josh Luke, award-winning hospital CEO and founder of the not-for-profit National Readmission Prevention Collaborative.